Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Cost of healthcare...

Is the cost of going to the doctor or getting you medicine out of control in this country or what? A few weeks ago I ran into this interesting article in the paper about drug manufacturers and putting caps on what they can charge for their products. It was quite eye opening. If you are of the mind that the government should step in and limit what drugs cost or make it legal to buy drugs from Canada you should read this article. I have kind of been on the fence about this particular issue until I read this. Indeed we are blessed to live in a free market economy where our government has generally left business free to make a profit and good products. I'm not all free market. I actually believe that the bottom line in a capitalistic economy is greed. That can tend to bite you sometimes. Other times it can actually help you. Reality though is that greed is a sin and will wreak havoc on the people who don't deal with it. It's not wrong to make money just wrong love it above all else. That is one of the biggest problems with capitalism. It loves money above all else and those who fall victim to it's hypnotic call will wreak havoc themselves. Love God above money, Love people above money and capitalism can be a really fantastic thing. Freedom is an amazing thing.


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